
Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology: A Practical Guide 2/e

作者:Cath Sullivan, Michael A Forrester
原價:NT$ 930

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology: A Practical Guide 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Taking you through each aspect of the research process and explaining the unique challenges of using qualitative methods in psychology, this book offers a complete guide to successfully conducting a qualitative psychological research project.

    Clear, concise and accessible, this ‘how to’ manual folds key skills like research design and using technology and software into each chapter. This second edition offers:

    • A thorough introduction to foundational concepts that support you through each step of the research process
    • New chapters on thematic and narrative analysis
    • A set of digital resources designed to make learning about qualitative methods as easy and interactive as possible, including video recordings and transcripts to build key analysis techniques
    Through a pragmatic, practical lens, this book provides the perspective and the tools you need to recognize, collect, interpret, and communicate quality qualitative psychological data.

    其他圖書類 > Sage publications
    理工 > 社會科學 > 心理學

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