
Look (5) Student Book

作者:Katherine Stannett
原價:NT$ 680

出版商:Cengage Learning
頁數/規格:136頁/平裝彩色;Language(s): American English


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    The world is an amazing place.

    Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English.

    See something real with amazing photography, authentic stories and video, and inspiring National Geographic Explorers.

    Help learners make connections in English between their lives and the world they live in through high-interest, global topics that encourage them to learn and express themselves.

    With short, fresh lessons that excite students and make teaching a joy, Look gives young learners the core language, balanced skills foundation and confidence-boosting exam support they need to use English successfully in the 21st century.
    • Easy-to-teach units present high-interest topics with a global perspective
    • Carefully graded language syllabus with balanced skills coverage and a phonics focus
    • Integrated values activities support personal development
    • Immersive School Trips lessons take learners to incredible places and provide project work opportunities
    • Reading Extra lessons promote extensive reading through real-world stories and fables
    • Coverage of international exam task types helps students master exam techniques and builds their confidence.

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Course Books > Primary

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