
Organizational Communication: A Critical Introduction 2/e

作者:Dennis K. Mumby
原價:NT$ 2,030

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Organizational Communication: A Critical Introduction 2/e

內容介紹 作者介紹

    Organizational Communication is the first textbook in the field written from a critical perspective, while providing a comprehensive survey of theory and research in organizational communication. It familiarizes students with the field of organizational communication—historically, conceptually, and practically—and challenges them to reconsider their common sense understandings of work and organizations, preparing them for participation in 21st century organizational settings.

    Linking theory with practice, Mumby explores the significant role played by organizations and corporations in constructing our identities. He provides important ways for students to critically reflect on their own relationships to work, consumption, and organizations. This edition includes the most recent advances in research and theory, and incorporates new contemporary examples and case studies throughout the text.

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