
Qualitative Data Analysis: From Start to Finish 2/e

作者:Jamie Harding
原價:NT$ 870

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Qualitative Data Analysis: From Start to Finish 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    This is the ideal book to get you up and running with the basics of qualitative data analysis. It breaks everything down into a series of simple steps and introduces the practical tools and techniques you need to turn your transcripts into meaningful research.

    Using multidisciplinary data from interviews and focus groups Jamie Harding provides clear guidance on how to apply key research skills such as making summaries, identifying similarities, drawing comparisons and using codes.

    The book sets out real world applicable advice, provides easy to follow best practice and helps you to:
    • Manage and sort your data
    • Find your argument and define your conclusions
    • Answer your research question
    • Write up your research for assessment and dissemination
    Clear, pragmatic and honest this book will give you the perfect framework to start understanding your qualitative data and to finish your research project.

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