
Quantitative Social Science Data with R: An Introduction

作者:Brian J. Fogarty
原價:NT$ 970

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Quantitative Social Science Data with R: An Introduction

內容介紹 目錄

    "A great, action-oriented book for novice data analysts. If you have no background in quantitative social science, Fogarty's book gives you a toolbox for starting statistical analysis and developing your skills" - Jamie Monogan, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Georgia

    Relevant, engaging, and packed with student-focused learning features, this book provides the step-by-step introduction to quantitative research and data every student needs.

    Gradually introducing applied statistics and R, it uses examples from across the social sciences to show you how to apply abstract statistical and methodological principles to your own work. At a student-friendly pace, it enables you to:

    • Understand and use quantitative data to answer questions
    • Approach surrounding ethical issues
    • Collect quantitative data
    • Manage, write about, and share the data effectively
    Supported by incredible digital resources with online tutorials, videos, datasets, and multiple choice questions, this book gives you not only the tools you need to understand statistics, quantitative data, and R software, but also the chance to practice and apply what you have learned.

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