
Social Media for Strategic Communication: Creative Strategies and Research-Based Applications

作者:Karen Freberg
原價:NT$ 1,740

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Social Media for Strategic Communication: Creative Strategies and Research-Based Applications

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    Social Media for Strategic Communication: Creative Strategies and Research-Based Applications teaches students the skills and principles needed to use social media in persuasive communication campaigns. The book combines cutting-edge research with practical, on-the-ground instruction to prepare students for the real-world challenges they’ll face in the workplace. The text addresses the influence of social media technologies, strategies, actions, and the strategic mindset needed by social media professionals today. By focusing on strategic thinking and awareness, it gives students the tools they need to adapt what they learn to new platforms and technologies that may emerge in the future. A broad focus on strategic communication—from PR, advertising, and marketing, to non-profit advocacy—gives students a broad base of knowledge that will serve them wherever their careers may lead.

    其他圖書類 > Sage publications
    理工 > 社會科學 > 大眾傳播

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