
Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Step by Step 2/e

作者:Catherine Delves-Yates, Fiona Everett, Wendy Wright
原價:NT$ 490

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Step by Step 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    This little book is an ideal clinical skills reference for nursing students and junior health care practitioners. Its easy to navigate design and step-by-step approach allows for information to be accessed quickly to help students review skills while on placement and prepare for their OSCE exams.
    • Essential equipment tick lists helps ensure students know what they need to perform clinical skills.
    • All fields of nursing are covered with tips throughout to help students support every patient group.
    • Introduces different approaches to performing clinical skills in community and acute settings
    • Helps students and new practitioners feel confident performing the skill in any situation.

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