
Psychometrics: An Introduction 3/e

作者:R. Michael Furr
原價:NT$ 2,900

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Psychometrics: An Introduction 3/e

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    Using a meaning-based approach that emphasizes the “why” over the “how to,” Psychometrics: An Introduction provides thorough coverage of fundamental issues in psychological measurement. Author R. Michael Furr discusses traditional psychometric perspectives and issues including reliability, validity, dimensionality, test bias, and response bias as well as advanced procedures and perspectives including item response theory and generalizability theory. The substantially updated Third Edition includes broader and more in-depth coverage with new references, a glossary summarizing over 200 key terms, and expanded suggested readings consisting of highly relevant papers to enhance the book’s overall accessibility, scope, and usability for both instructors and students.

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