
Critical Thinking: Your Guide to Effective Argument, Successful Analysis and Independent Study

作者:Tom Chatfield
原價:NT$ 680

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Critical Thinking: Your Guide to Effective Argument, Successful Analysis and Independent Study

內容介紹 目錄

    Critical thinking is a set of techniques—you just need to learn them.

    This helpful book is your personal toolkit for critical thinking. Author Tom Chatfield will show you how to sharpen your critical thinking by developing and practicing this specific set of skills, so you can…
    • Spot an argument and understand why reasoning matters
    • Discover errors and evaluate evidence
    • Understand and account for bias
    • Become a savvy user of technology
    • Develop clear, confident critical writing
    In your critical thinking toolkit, you’ll find:
    1. The 10 Commandments videos: life rules to change how you think (Watch #1 of the 10 Commandments for Critical Thinking!)
    2. Smart Study boxes: excellent tips to whip your work into shape
    3. Quizzes: diagnose your skill level and test what (you think) you know
    4. Space to scribble!: journal your thoughts, questions, and eureka moments as you work
    5. #TalkCriticalThinking: connect and learn with readers from around the globe
    Designed to work seamlessly with a power pack of digital resources and exercises, this book will provide you with practical and effective tools to think and write critically in an information-saturated age. Critical Thinking gives you the skills, insights, and confidence to succeed!

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