
Advertising and Promotion 4/e

作者:Chris Hackley, Rungpaka Amy Hackley
原價:NT$ 1,260

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Advertising and Promotion 4/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Using a wide range of visual examples and case studies, Advertising and Promotion 4th edition introduces the reader to the key concepts, methods and issues and illustrates these with first-hand examples gathered from leading international advertising agencies and brand campaigns. Told from the perspective of the agency, it gives a fun and creative insider view helping the reader to think beyond the client position and understand what it might be like working within an ad agency. 

    Drawing not only from management and marketing research but also from other disciplines such as cultural/media studies and sociology, the authors offer a rounded and critical perspective on the subject to those looking to understand advertising as social phenomenon in addition to its business function and purpose.
    The new edition has in-depth coverage of online advertising and the role of social media in advertising including metrics and analytics and includes advertising examples by global brands including Adidas, Benetton, BMW, Dove and DeBeers. “Snapshots” bring in aspects of cross-cultural advertising such as Barbie in China.

    其他圖書類 > Sage publications
    理工 > 社會科學 > 大眾傳播

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