
Starting Out with Visual C# 2012 3/e (Global Edition)

作者:Tony Gaddis
原價:NT$ 1,400

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Starting Out with Visual C#® 2012 3/e

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹

    Intended for use in the Introductory C# Programming course

    Tony Gaddis’s accessible, step-by-step presentation helps beginning students understand the important details necessary to become skilled programmers at an introductory level. Gaddis motivates the study of both programming skills and the Visual C# programming language by presenting all the details needed to understand the “how” and the “why”—but never losing sight of the fact that most beginners struggle with this material. His approach is both gradual and highly accessible, ensuring that students understand the logic behind developing high-quality programs.

    In Starting Out With Visual C# 2012, Gaddis makes a very detailed and evenly paced presentation of both programming and C# syntax concepts so all readers will be able to follow along. His GUI-based approach to teaching C# will resonate with students in CS, IT, and CIS courses.

    Teaching and Learning Experience

    This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience, for both instructors and students. Here’s how:
    • Gaddis’s Accessible, Step-by-Step Approach: Gaddis makes a very detailed and evenly paced presentation of both programming and C# syntax concepts so all readers will be able to follow along.
    • Engaged Students: Gaddis’s GUI-based visual approach and entertaining program examples will capture—and keep— students’ interest.
    • Support Instructors and Students: Easy-to-read code, practice problems, and streamlined design help facilitate learning.

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