
Look (Starter) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

作者:Lucy Crichton
原價:NT$ 410

出版商:Cengage Learning
頁數/規格:48頁/平裝彩色;Language(s): American English


    The world is an amazing place.
    • Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English.
    • See something real with amazing photography, authentic stories and video, and inspiring National Geographic Explorers.
    • Help learners make connections in English between their lives and the world they live in through high-interest, global topics that encourage them to learn and express themselves.
    • With short, fresh lessons that excite students and make teaching a joy, Look gives young learners the core language, balanced skills foundation, and confidence-boosting exam support they need to use English successfully in the 21st century.
    Inside every Look Reading Anthology:
    • Six stones (with audio) recycle the language and themes covered in the Student's Book.
    • A mix of original stories, non-fiction, myths, and legends from around the world help learners make global connections.
    • Activities for every story check language and reading comprehension.

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Course Books > Primary

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