
Traffic and Highway Engineering 5/e (Enhanced SI Edition)

作者:Nicholas J. Garber , Lester A. Hoel
原價:NT$ 1,550

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Traffic and Highway Engineering 5/e

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    Gain unique insights into all facets of today's traffic and highway engineering with the enhanced edition of Garber and Hoel's best-selling TRAFFIC AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERING, SI Edition, 5th Edition. This edition initially highlights the pivotal role that transportation plays in today's society. You examine employment opportunities that transportation creates, study its historical impact and explore the influences of transportation on modern daily life. This comprehensive approach offers an accurate understanding of the field with emphasis on some of transportation's distinctive challenges. Later chapters focus on specific issues facing transportation engineers to prepare you for common obstacles you may need to overcome in the field. Worked problems, diagrams and tables, reference materials and meaningful examples clearly demonstrate how to apply the transportation engineering principles you have learned.

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