
Fast Track (3) Student Book with Study Book and EnglishCentral App

作者:Paul Nation
原價:NT$ 650

出版商:Seed Learning
頁數/規格:120頁+52頁/平裝彩色;CEFR B2
參考網頁:Fast Track Series

內容介紹 資源下載

    Fast Track is a three-level series designed for young-adult and adult learners of English who have had some exposure to English but need review practice and fluency development to become better communicators. Each thematically-organized unit in the series integrates functional language models with skill-based activities. Lessons guide students from speaking together using structured dialogs to engaging in more flexible conversations using theme-based sets of questions. Informative readings on topics provide springboards for additional engaging in-class discussions.

    • A multi-skill approach to developing communicative skills while strengthening accuracy and fluency skills of learners
    • Interactive and communicative tasks to engage learners while challenging them to stretch their skills
    • Model responses to support student completion of meaning-focused productive speaking and writing tasks
    • Fundamental grammar topics for review linked to the language targets of each unit
    • Video and audio recordings with linked tasks for listening comprehension, modeling pronunciation, and developing fluency
    • Pair-work question sets allow for fun and flexible conversation practice
    • Detachable Study Book providing a quick language-learning reference for target expressions, vocabulary, and additional grammar tips

    ELT > ELT > Course Books

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