Each of the 9 units (each unit has 12 pages) features a topic that deals with a business scenario. For example, job-hunting, communications and sales.
In each unit, a topic relevant Story is presented in the conversation format. Students can familiarize themselves with the topic while listening to the MP3. The fill-in-the-blank exercise also enhances students’ writing ability.
Useful Expression highlights and introduces some of the most used expressions and phrases relating to the unit topic.
Bite-Size Business Knowledge exposes students to real business world with actual factoids in the current trends. These short texts explain some of the most seen terms in the business.
After reading, listening and speaking, a Case Study wraps up the unit by giving students a writing project. This is where students can put what they have learned into practice for a writing task.
In Reviews, the Words from the Professional interviews high ranking corporate leaders so students can learn precious information from them.