
The Study of Language 7/e

作者:George Yule
原價:NT$ 920

出版商:Cambridge University
參考網頁:The Study of Language 7/e


    This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics and all the key elements of language. This seventh edition has been revised and updated throughout, with substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, and forty new study questions. To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes over twenty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language.

    • Easy to follow and simple to understand - a concise and fundamental introduction to language study
    • Provides students with a vocabulary for talking about language and a solid knowledge of how English works
    • Presents the major concepts in language study in short, bite-sized sections, assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, allowing flexibility in teaching

    ELT > ELT > Teaching Resources

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