
Systems Analysis and Design 7/e

作者:Alan Dennis, Barbara Wixom, Roberta M. Roth
原價:NT$ 1,800

出版商:John Wiley
參考網頁:Systems Analysis and Design 7/e

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    With the overarching goal of preparing the analysts of tomorrow, Systems Analysis and Design offers students a rigorous hands-on introduction to the field with a project-based approach that mirrors the real-world workflow. Core concepts are presented through running cases and examples, bolstered by in-depth explanations and special features that highlight critical points while emphasizing the process of “doing” alongside “learning.” As students apply their own work to real-world cases, they develop the essential skills and knowledge base a professional analyst needs while developing an instinct for approach, tools, and methods.

    Accessible, engaging, and geared toward active learning, this book conveys both essential knowledge and the experience of developing and analyzing systems; with this strong foundation in SAD concepts and applications, students are equipped with a robust and relevant skill set that maps directly to real-world systems analysis projects.

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