
Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Decision Making 7/e

作者:S. Christian Albright, Wayne L. Winston
原價:NT$ 1,800

出版商:Cengage Learning
參考網頁:Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Decision Making 7/e

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    Albright/Winston's popular BUSINESS ANALYTICS: DATA ANALYSIS AND DECISION MAKING, 7E helps readers master data analysis, modeling and spreadsheet use. With a focus on quantitative methods, the authors provide specific tools and skills to succeed while using a proven teach-by-example approach and inviting presentation. This edition integrates the latest version of Excel but offers the flexibility to use earlier versions of Excel. This edition's approach is more data-oriented than ever before with a new chapter covering the two primary Power BI tools in Excel and a section on data visualization with Tableau Public. Current problems, cases and examples emphasize relevance. MindTap online resources and a Companion Website with data and solutions files, SolverTable and Palisade DecisionTools Suite are also available.

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