
Merchandising Mathematics for Retailing 5/e

作者:Cynthia R. Easterling, Ellen L. Flottman, Marian H. Jernigan, Beth ES Wuest
原價:NT$ 1,800

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Merchandising Mathematics for Retailing 5/e

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    Written by experienced retailers, Merchandising Mathematics for Retailing, 5/e introduces students to the essential principles and techniques of merchandising mathematics, and explains how to apply them in solving everyday retail merchandising problems. Instructor- and student-friendly, it features clear and concise explanations of key concepts, followed by problems, case studies, spreadsheets, and summary problems using realistic industry figures. Most chapters lend themselves to spreadsheet use, and skeletal spreadsheets are provided to instructors within the Instructor's Manual. This edition is extensively updated to reflect current trends, and to discuss careers from the viewpoint of working professionals. It adds 20+ new case studies that encourage students to use analytic skills, and link content to realistic retail challenges. This edition also contains a focused discussion of profitability measures, and an extended discussion of assortment planning.

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