
Psychology for Teachers 2/e

作者:Paul Castle, Scott Buckler
原價:NT$ 990

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Psychology for Teachers 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Psychology for Teachers explains how psychology can be intelligently applied to the classroom to meet the needs of different learners. It encourages teachers to review their own practice to develop a personal teaching style, supported by research findings and an awareness of the factors underpinning high-quality teaching.

    Focusing on how an understanding of psychological theory can support effective teaching and learning this book contains case studies and tasks to make sure that trainees really understand how theory can be meaningfully applied in the classroom.

    This new edition now comes with three brand new sections:

    • Mental health, wellbeing & resilience
    • Psychological skills
    • Evidence-based teaching
    This book is relevant for anyone undertaking an Education Studies degree or doing Primary or Secondary teacher training - particularly for the professional studies teaching topics.

    理工 > 社會科學 > 心理學
    其他圖書類 > Sage publications

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