
Mastering English for the M.I.C.E. Industry 會展英文

作者:Yu-Li Chen, Li-Jiuan Tsay
原價:NT$ 500

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    The development of the M.I.C.E. (meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions or events) industry has become one of the important indicators of a country’s economic growth. It has been highly valued by many countries mainly because it brings exponentially economic benefits. Holding an international exhibition, conference, or other event has an impact on the output and image of a nation or a city. Trade show, or exhibition, provides a great platform for companies to get more business opportunities. Trade show participation is known as one of the important marketing activities for businesses to expand their trade and market development. Its unique “face-to-face” characteristics cannot be replaced by other marketing tools. Trade show has become an important marketing strategy for companies to explore international markets. Successful exhibition performance not only effectively increases company business and promotes company profile, but also brings considerable profits.

    The goal of this book is to provide foundational knowledge in the M.I.C.E industry, particularly in the field of “trade show” for those who wish to train themselves in becoming professionals. Learners will get a glimpse of the M.I.C.E. industry and know the trade show history. This book is designed to provide a complete guide to the practical implementation of trade show participation. Learners acquire professional knowledge and practical skills such as selecting and evaluating a trade show, writing a proposal for trade show participation, planning and managing an exhibition, and conducting a post show evaluation. Learners will become more competent in managing an exhibition by applying the marketing strategies described in the text. Exploring the state-of-art technology for effective and efficient customer relationship management will be a success and an asset to gain.

    The book aims to enhance learner English linguistic competence necessary for international activities and events. Essential key terms and phrases for trade shows are provided and dialogues in preparing and participating in an exhibition are demonstrated. With training from this guidebook, learners will have a good journey and pleasant experience in any trade show participation.

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