
Your Turn to Speak (1)

作者:Chia-jung Tsai, Tzu-ying Liu / Chun-ching Hsieh
原價:NT$ 550



    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Welcome to Your Turn to Speak. This is a perfect book for adult learners whose English proficiency is at the elementary stage to improve their oral communication abilities and confidence in speaking English. Your Turn to Speak aims at helping learners to become effective users of high frequency/situational language pertaining to their life experiences. Users of this book will be able to apply the selected vocabulary words and master speaking skills with references to the corpus “Oxford 3000” and CEFR A1 and A2 Levels.

    Your Turn to Speak is competence-oriented and organized spirally, from easy to more challenging practices wherein vocabulary words and sentence patterns are recycled. In each of the 12 units, learners will develop learning skills, think critically, learn vocabulary and sentence patterns collaboratively, duplicate conversations, speak with confidence, and master real-life skills. Here is what each unit contains:
    • Skill focus – Each unit presents one learning skill that will facilitate life-long learning, such as elaborating on prefixes and compound words to understand the depth of vocabulary and applying keywords and stories to reinforce the cohesiveness of speaking.
    • Critical thinking – Each unit begins with an activity that requires learners to think by comparing, reasoning, or classifying.
    • Vocabulary – Each unit presents the key vocabulary words related to the topic of discussion, from person, home, neighborhood, town to country, and are practiced throughout.
    • Language focus – Each unit summarizes the sentence patterns that functionally achieve oral communication purposes, such as showing personal preferences and asking for advice, and are applied in conversations, illustrations, or presentations.
    • Conversation – Each unit presents a model conversation about person, home, neighborhood, town, or country with the key vocabulary and sentence patterns.
    • Speaking with confidence – As learners are getting familiar with the focused language, each unit provides a chance to say what they can in a more interactive and problem-solving practice.
    • Real-life skills – In order for learners to shine on the stage, each unit wraps up with an illustration practice where learners report charts, graphs, or pyramids, or a presentation practice where learners prepare to give a presentation about their life experiences.

    If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to improve your English speaking skills, this is the book for you!

    ELT > ELT > Listening/Speaking/Pronunciation

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