Introduction to Operations Research is the worldwide gold standard for textbooks in operations research. This famous text, around since the early days of the field, has grown into a contemporary 21st century eleventh edition with the infusion of new state-of-the-art content.
INFORMS recognized Introduction to Operations Research with a prestigious Expository Writing Award.
The award citation described the reasons for the book's award as follows:
"Two features account for this success. First, the editions have been outstanding from students' points of view due to excellent motivation, clear and intuitive explanations, good examples of professional practice, excellent organization of material, very useful supporting software, and appropriate but not excessive mathematics. Second, the editions have been attractive from instructors' points of view because they repeatedly infuse state-of-the-art material with remarkable lucidity and plain language."
Four new sections on analytics as a complement to operations research
A new section highlighting exciting current trends in the field
A new section on multiple criteria analysis, including goal programming
A new section on behavioral queueing theory
A new section on Markov decision processes in practice
A new section on the theory of simulation optimization
Significant reorganization and streamlining, including moving more technical material to the website
Many smaller updates, including a considerable number of up-to-date application vignettes and selected references (while deleting outdated ones)
Additional Features
The text website ( contains a wealth of software options and supplementary material
OR Tutor for illustrating various algorithms in action and IOR Tutorial for learning and executing algorithms interactively
Student version of LINDO and LINGO with tutorials and many formulation examples from the text
Student versions of MPL and its elite solvers, plus a tutorial and many formulation examples
Many Excel spreadsheet formulations and solutions, using the standard Excel Solver
Many Excel templates for automatically solving a variety of models
A wealth of supplementary material on the book's website, including chapter supplements, eight additional web chapters, additional examples, and realistic cases
Table of Contents
1) Introduction
2) Overview of How Operations Research and Analytics Professionals Analyze Problems
3) Introduction to Linear Programming
4) Solving Linear Programming Problems: The Simplex Method
5) The Theory of the Simplex Method
6) Duality Theory
7) Linear Programming under Uncertainty
8) Other Algorithms for Linear Programming
9) The Transportation and Assignment Problems
10) Network Optimization Models
11) Dynamic Programming
12) Integer Programming
13) Nonlinear Programming
14) Metaheuristics
15) Game Theory
16) Decision Analysis
17) Queueing Theory
18) Inventory Theory
19) Markov Decision Processes
20) Simulation
Appendix 1 - Documentation for the OR Courseware
Appendix 2 - Convexity
Appendix 3 - Classical Optimization Methods
Appendix 4 - Matrices and Matrix Operations
Appendix 5 - Table for a Normal Distribution
Frederick Hillier
Professor emeritus of operations research at Stanford University. Dr. Hillier is especially known for his classic, award-winning text, Introduction to Operations Research, co-authored with the late Gerald J. Lieberman, which has been translated into well over a dozen languages and is currently in its 8th edition. The 6th edition won honorable mention for the 1995 Lanchester Prize (best English-language publication of any kind in the field) and Dr. Hillier also was awarded the 2004 INFORMS Expository Writing Award for the 8th edition. His other books include The Evaluation of Risky Interrelated Investments, Queueing Tables and Graphs, Introduction to Stochastic Models in Operations Research, and Introduction to Mathematical Programming. He received his BS in industrial engineering and doctorate specializing in operations research and management science from Stanford University. The winner of many awards in high school and college for writing, mathematics, debate, and music, he ranked first in his undergraduate engineering class and was awarded three national fellowships (National Science Foundation, Tau Beta Pi, and Danforth) for graduate study. Dr. Hillier’s research has extended into a variety of areas, including integer programming, queueing theory and its application, statistical quality control, and production and operations management. He also has won a major prize for research in capital budgeting.