

原價:NT$ 350



    Taiwan is changing. The World is watching. During the period of coronavirus pandemic, English teaching in Taiwan is facing the future globalization. Since writing emails and papers in English is an inseparable element in global communication across the world, a textbook designed for establishing foundation in essential writing turns out to be extremely important. In the past, Taiwanese English learning used to stress the importance of reading and vocabulary building, so the English textbooks in high school and freshman English courses are especially carved out for this purpose. Now facing the future globalization, we need to shift the direction to English writing and translation in order to strengthen and deepen the global communicative capability of the next generation.

    In this book, abundant translation drill material is given. Each exercise should be practiced until mastery is achieved. Examples of important vocabulary and sentence pattern usage are given first, which can form the basis for practice in vocabulary building. If you wish to practice translation, Exercise will be quite useful. Avoid literal translation. Suggested English equivalents are given in Answer Key.

    In this way you will find yourself making steady progress in English writing and translation. When you have completed this textbook, you might wish to continue with Tunghua Classical Sentence Patterns and Translation Drills, a book in the series.

    Hopefully, this textbook could make contributions to the teaching and learning of essential English writing and translation in modern Taiwan.

    ELT > ELT > Grammar

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