
Business Partner A1 Teacher's Resource Book with MyEnglishLab

作者:Maria Karyda
原價:NT$ 1,000

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Business Partner


    Discover the innovative world of Business Partner, a new eight-Level business English course for learners and professionals who want to communicate effectively in English in the workplace. Business Partner offers a holistic approach to teaching language and communication skills through video and communicative tasks.

    The Business Partner Teacher's Resource Book provides:
    • A detailed introduction and unit walkthrough explaining the approach and methodology behind the course.
    • Detailed teacher's notes for every lesson including warm-ups, background notes, additional grammar explanations, and answer keys.
    • A list of active and passive vocabulary for each unit.
    • Photocopiable activities for extra classroom practice, focussing on grammar and functional language.
    • Photocopiable extra vocabulary worksheets revising vocabulary by unit.
    • All coursebook resources and extra teacher' s resources are available for download in MyEnglish Lab (access code inside this book)

    ELT > ELT > Business English

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