
Business Survival Communication English 1

作者:Joseph Henley
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.


    Welcome to Business Survival Communication English. From navigating a new job in one’s first days as a newly hired employee to managing major projects as a senior staff member, this two-volume series takes readers on a journey into the world of clear, concise, and effective business communication, wherein they will learn key vocabulary, sentence patterns, and even current and widely-used colloquial speech pertaining to life in the office and the social aspects that go along with doing business as well.
    In each of the book’s 48 short units, students are presented with a conversation, a series of short dialogues, a short talk, a longer talk, or an announcement which serves as the basis for the vocabulary, listening comprehension, discussion, and communication exercises to follow.

    Conversations—Each one presents a different facet of life in the world of business, from making introductions to meeting new people, from making small talk to speaking with clients on the phone, and from traveling for business, staying at hotels, and attending conventions and exhibitions to shopping, attending parties, asking for directions, and more.

    Talks and Announcements—Every talk and announcement will present a scenario from the business sector that students will encounter in their life as an employee, a manager, and in daily life. From talks given by experts to announcements they may hear at an airport or train station and other selected locations, these clips will let students know how to pick out key details, what aspects to focus on, and what vocabulary they will need to master in order to succeed.

    Vocabulary—Following each conversation, talk, or announcement, there will be a vocabulary exercise, testing students’ retention of targeted vocabulary taken from the conversation, talk, or announcement, be it matching, fill-in-the-blanks, or word replacement.

    Comprehension questions—These true or false, multiple choice or short writing questions test students’ ability to understand what has been imparted in the conversation, talk, or announcement.

    Discussions—Give students the chance to hold their own guided discussions based on the unit topic and the information presented in the conversation, talk, or announcement.

    Culture Notes—Some extra useful information on something related to the topic at hand in each unit, giving the students some added food for thought.

    Let Business Survival Communication English be your guide to the exciting world of commerce, exploration, and discovery. With its simple but effective layout, precisely ordered structure, and expertly-selected topics and exercises, there is no more effective method for the mastery of English across the wide spectrum of Business English.

    ELT > ELT > Business English

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