
Misfits (11003)

作者:Jen Calonita
原價:NT$ 290

頁數/規格:288 pages


    Being able to speak to animals comes in handy when you plan to become the best Creature Caretaker the Kingdom of Enchantasia has ever seen. Just ask Devin Nile. (Ok, so she's technically not fluent in flying squirrel…yet). But when you're 12th in line for the throne, destiny has other plans. The day her invitation arrives from Royal Academy, Devin knows her future has come calling. But she can't help feeling like it's the wrong future. Yes, it's pretty cool that Headmistress Olivina is the beloved fairy godmother to Cinderella, Snow White, and Rapunzel. But the classes (From Cha-Chas to Charming Princes) leave something to be desired, and Olivina seems to be obsessed with preparing students against the potential threat of villains rather than teaching them how to rule a kingdom. The more Devin thinks about it, the clearer it becomes that something just isn't right. This fairy godmother seems more like a fairy nightmare. And when Devin digs a little deeper, she discovers a truth that could change Enchantasia forever…

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Scholastic Book Club > Upper Elementary & Up

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