
Random Acts of Kittens (11003)

作者:Yamile Saied Méndez
原價:NT$ 260

頁數/規格:272 pages


    A heartwarming story about learning to love cats (and friends) of all stripes! When Natalia Flores finds a lost cat with a litter of newborn kittens, she is desperate to keep one of them. Whether or not her mami says yes to a new pet, the rest of the kitties will need homes - and Natalia has the purrfect plan. With help from her friend Reuben, Natalia starts an anonymous online account to find each cat the right owner. But as her classmates apply, her matchmaking scheme gets more complicated. And when her former best friend Meera applies for a kitten, Natalia doesn't know what to do. Will her attempt to spread kindness help heal their friendship, or simply tear her and Meera further apart?

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Scholastic Book Club > Upper Elementary & Up

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