
Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction 6/e

作者:Gregory Bassham, William Irwin, Henry Nardone, James M. Wallace
原價:NT$ 1,350

參考網頁:Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction 6/e

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    How Can We Make Sense of It All?
    In a hyperconnected digital world buzzing with both information and disinformation, fact and spin, critical thinking has never been more challenging or important. This popular, learner-friendly text gives today's students the critical reasoning tools they need to survive and thrive-in school, in their careers, and in life. It covers all the basics of critical thinking, using class-tested real-world examples and a proven step-by-step approach. Its comprehensiveness allows instructors to tailor the material to their individual teaching styles, resulting in an exceptionally versatile text.

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