
Introduction to Data Compression 4/e (H)

作者:Kholid Sayood
原價:NT$ 1,450

出版商:Elsevier B.V.

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    Each edition of Introduction to Data Compression has widely been considered the best introduction and reference text on the art and science of data compression, and the fourth edition continues in this tradition. Data compression techniques and technology are ever-evolving with new applications in image, speech, text, audio, and video. The fourth edition includes all the cutting edge updates the reader will need during the work day and in class.

    Khalid Sayood provides an extensive introduction to the theory underlying today’s compression techniques with detailed instruction for their applications using several examples to explain the concepts. Encompassing the entire field of data compression,Introduction to Data Compression includes lossless and lossy compression, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding, dictionary techniques, context based compression, scalar and vector quantization. Khalid Sayood provides a working knowledge of data compression, giving the reader the tools to develop a complete and concise compression package upon completion of his book.

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