
Viscous Fluid Flow 4/e

作者:Frank M. White, Joseph Majdalani
原價:NT$ 1,100


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    White's Viscous Fluid Flow is known for its academic rigor and effectiveness at serving as a "one-stop shop" for those interested in expanding their knowledge of the rich and evolving field of fluid mechanics. The material can be selectively presented in a one-semester course or even longer with more extensive coverage. The evolution of viscous-flow prediction continues its journey toward more efficiently resolved, stable, and high-order simulations. This book, however, retains its focus on presenting viscous-flow concepts.

    As such, a strong emphasis is placed on the physical insight and mathematical depth that are gained while systematically exploring a rich variety of flow problems. Our objective has been to make the book readable, descriptive, and inspiring. The book continues to be a senior or first-year graduate textbook on viscous motion with a well-balanced mix of engineering applications.

    The fourth edition contains important updates to help students' problem solving. It includes over 200 new references, in addition to at least 125 new problems.

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