
Cambridge B1 Preliminary for Schools Practice Tests Student's Book with MP3 Audio CD/片 (Tests 1-6) and Answer Key (2020 Exam Format)

作者:Dawn Watson
原價:NT$ 580

出版商:Hamilton House Publishers


    Cambridge B1 Preliminary for Schools Practice Tests has been specifically written for the Cambridge Assessment English B1 Preliminary (PET) for Schools  examination. The tests have been designed to familiarise students with the exact format of the examination as well as to ensure that students are thoroughly  prepared for the examination.

    Key features:
    • six complete practice tests for the Cambridge Assessment English B1 Preliminary (PET) for Schools examination
    • full introduction to the examination
    • exam technique students on how to approach each part of the examination to score maximum points
    • Audio providing listening practice involving a wide variety of British accents
    • consolidation exercises after every test to ensure students practise vocabulary which frequently appear in the B1 Preliminary for Schools exam
    • a speaking script for each practice test so that teachers can c conduct the speaking paper under exam conditions, and students can become familiar with the exact  structure of the speaking paper of the B1 Preliminary for Schools exam.

    ELT > Children`s ELT > Tests > Tests

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