
Springboard 2

原價:NT$ 520



    Welcome to Springboard
    Some books on practical English cover only the formal side of business language, while others simply focus on casual everyday conversation. Springboard combines both styles to offer a comprehensive, well-rounded approach to learning how to use English naturally in a business environment.

    Springboard is split into two books that allow learners to immerse themselves in English material appropriate to their fluency level. Each unit utilizes a wide variety of methods to help learners progress. These include activities aimed at boosting learners’ listening, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar and confidence in interacting with others. The books get progressively more difficult with the introduction of new grammar points, vocabulary and business English tips in each unit.

    Springboard assists learners in learning how to interact in a variety of real-world business environments. Units such as Coffee Break, Social Media, Downtime Fun and Let’s Party remind learners that social skills used outside of the office also play a key role in each person’s career. A crucial component of these everyday interactions—especially for learners of English as a second language—is the ability to recognize the nuances of different cultures. That’s why we’ve included a Culture Corner section in each unit explaining a cultural difference related to the particular unit topic.
    In addition to the two books structured with a building-block approach toward improvement, a few additional materials are included. The Springboard Teacher’s Manual guides educators through the process of introducing activities to learners and also includes extra activities. The Test Bank and TOEIC©-style Review tests let learners put their skills to the test and gain even more confidence in their ability to go out into the working world with polished English skills. Join in and allow us to help you take your first steps toward the career of your dreams!

    ELT > ELT > Business English

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