Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python 4/e Global Edition

Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python 4/e Global Edition

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 1,400
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Social Computing and Programming with Python

Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python is a uniquely researched and up-to-date volume that is widely recognized for its successful introduction to the subject of Media Computation. Emphasizing creativity, classroom interaction, and in-class programming examples, Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python takes a bold and unique approach to computation that engages students and applies the subject matter to the relevancy of digital media. The Fourth Edition teachesstudents to program in an effort to communicate via social computing outlets, providing a unique approach that serves the interests of a broad range of students.

MyProgrammingLab® not included. Students, if MyProgrammingLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

MyProgrammingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

REVISED! Updated images provide a fresh feel to the book and make it more engaging to read.
REVISED! Chapter organization helps students easily navigate the text and understand major concepts.

  • Brief JavaScript introduction helps ease students into learning a second programming language.
  • Learning objectives at the start of each cover media learning objectives and computer science learning objectives to acquaint students with the importance of both sides of chapter concepts.
  • REVISED! End-of-chapter questions have been added and enhanced to provide solid review for students.
  • Four types of boxed Items throughout the text Include CS Key Ideas, Common Bugs, Debugging Tips, and “Making It Work” tips on how to study and be successful at computer science.
NEW! The text has been rewritten in various chapters to include the latest trends and information in Media Computation.
  • NEW! Chapter on text as a medium and manipulating strings to make sentences, koans, and codes provides students with additional information on the topic.
  • Computing for Communications connects computing with careers, showing students the role it can play in their futures.
  • NEW! Examples for processing CSV (Comma-Separated Values), a common format for sharing data on the Internet, are created by using a string processing file, then using the CSV library in Python, and then accessing the data by URL.
  • REVISED!Detection code has been rewritten as shorter and simpler to understand.
  • REVISED! Addition of turtles such as dancing turtles and recursive patterns.
  • UPDATED! Latest features in JES allow a reduced need to use full pathnames.
  • Computer science terms and conditionals are introduced earlier and more thoroughly in the book to help students build a foundation of understanding for the remainder of the text.
  • Variables and how they work are explained in detail.
  • Web Examples help students relate the material to the Internet and the digital media world.
    • Cross-disciplinary issues between computer science and other professions show how the major concepts can apply to many real-life situations.
  • Discussion on differences between image formats is included.
  • Manipulation of media Includes implementing Photoshop-like effects, reversing/splicing sounds, creating animations.
  • HTML is introduced and covered, teaching writing programs that generate HTML.
  • Emphasis on creativity provides open-ended programming for media creation like creating visual or audio collages that apply the material to relevant subject matter.
Use of Python provides an easy to learn and use programming language and more applicable to the world of Media Computation.
  • REVISED! Bugs from the third edition have been fixed.
The Web as a Data Source teaches how to read from files and discusses how to write programs to directly read Web pages and distill information from there for use in other calculations, other Web pages, etc.
Real CS1 content meets the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum 2001 guidelines for a CS1 course, including coverage of procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming approaches, even though the book has been used most with non-CS majors.

MyProgrammingLab® not included. Students, if MyProgrammingLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

  • Interactive Practice gives students programming experience and first-hand programming experience in an interactive online environment.
  • Error Messages for Incorrect Answers provides immediate personalized feedback when students practice programming questions. The error messages include both the feedback from the compiler and plain English interpretations of likely causes for the incorrect answer.
  • Dynamic grading and assessment automatically grades student submissions, both saving you time, and offering students immediate learning opportunities.
    • A dynamic roster tracks their performance and maintains a record of submissions.
    • The color-coded gradebook gives you a quick glance of your classes' progress.
    • Easily drill down to receive information on a single student's performance or a specific problem.
    • Gradebook results can be exported to Excel to use with your LMS.
  • Step-by-step VideoNote Tutorials enhance the programming concepts presented in your Pearson textbook by allowing students to view the entire problem-solving process outside of the classroom—when they need help the most.
  • MyProgrammingLab has proven to help students learn how to program and has graded over 60,000,000 student submissions and counting. We’re able to mine our large database of submissions to make personalized feedback even better!
  • Graduated complexity breaks problems down into short, understandable sequences of exercises, where each sequence relates to a particular topic. Within each sequence the level and sophistication of the exercises increase gradually but steadily.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Computer Science and Media Computation
2 Introduction to Programming
3 Creating and Modifying Text
4 Modifying Pictures Using Loops
5 Picture Techniques with Selection
6 Modifying Pixels by Position
7 Modifying Sounds Using Loops
8 Modifying Samples in a Range
9 Making Sounds by Combining Pieces
10 Building Bigger Programs
11 Manipulating Text with Methods and Files
12 Advanced Text Techniques: Web and Information
13 Making Text for the Web
14 Creating and Modifying Movie6
15 Speed
16 Functional Programming
17 Object Oriented Programming
Mark J. Guzdial, Georgia Institute of Technology
Barbara Ericson
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