New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013, Comprehensive Enhanced Edition

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013, Comprehensive Enhanced Edition

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 1,250
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9781305507708
  • 作者:S. Scott Zimmerman, Beverly B. Zimmerman, Ann Shaffer, Katherine T. Pinard
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2016
  • 出版商:Cengage Learning
  • 頁數/規格:356頁/平裝彩色
  • 參考網頁:New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹
Help your students develop the critical Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013 skills they need for success in college and beyond with this latest edition from the leading New Perspectives Series. Updated with all-new case-based tutorials, NEW PERSPECTIVES MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2013, COMPREHENSIVE ENHANCED EDITION continues to engage students by applying MS PowerPoint 2013 skills to real situations that fully demonstrate the relevance of concepts. Proven pedagogy emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and in-depth coverage. A new Troubleshoot case problem enhances analytical skills, while a new tutorial on Managing Your Files helps students navigate Windows 8. A wealth of resources, including MindTap® and SAM, provides opportunities for students to practice skills. Improve learning outcomes and ensure transference of skills as NEW PERSPECTIVES MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2013 helps students understand why what they’re learning is important.

Features and Benefits
  • BUSINESS CASE SCENARIOS PROVIDE A REAL-WORLD CONTEXT FOR CONCEPTS. These intriguing scenarios keep students engaged throughout the tutorials as they provide a real-world context in which students can apply the PowerPoint® concepts and skills they are learning.
  • TWO-PAGE VISUAL OVERVIEWS INTRODUCE KEY ELEMENTS OF EACH TUTORIAL. This dynamic two-page graphic spread at the beginning of each tutorial previews the PowerPoint® tasks and elements the tutorial will address. These Overviews can serve as a useful study guide before quizzes and tests.
  • PROSKILLS BOXES DEMONSTRATE THE RELEVANCY OF POWERPOINT® 2013 CONCEPTS TO CAREERS. These features provide guidance on how to most effectively use PowerPoint® software in professional situations.
  • PROSKILLS EXERCISES INTEGRATE TECHNOLOGY SKILLS WITH PROFESSIONAL SKILLS. These exercises further ground concepts in today’s business reality. ProSkills Exercises focus on relevant topics, such as teamwork, written communication, verbal communication, problem solving, and decision making.
  • KEY STEPS HIGHLIGHT IMPORTANT POINTS IN COMPLETING WORK CORRECTLY. This helpful feature guides students in paying close attention in order to accomplish each step the right way and avoid any time-consuming re-work.

What's New
  • NEW STUDENT SUCCESS GUIDE PROVIDES HELPFUL INSIGHTS, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES. This useful Guide offers content essential to your students’ success in the classroom with a special focus on effective planning, time management, and study tools. The Guide emphasizes Microsoft® OneNote, in particular, to increase students’ overall effectiveness.
  • NEW SAM PROJECTS APPENDIX HIGHLIGHTS INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEW PROJECTS THAT CORRESPOND WITH THIS EDITION. You’ll find printed instructions for a new instructor-authored SAM Project that corresponds to the new PowerPoint® content in this edition.
  • NEW CAPSTONE PROJECTS APPENDIX PROVIDES THREE NEW PROJECTS TO CHALLENGE STUDENTS. These thought-provoking projects encourage students to apply the PowerPoint® concepts and skills they’ve learned with three levels of content: Introductory (Tutorials 1-4), Intermediate (Tutorials 5-8), and Advanced (Tutorials 9-12).
  • NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION APPENDIX PROVIDES AN INVALUABLE REFERENCE TOOL. This new appendix highlights key information about the certification program with a table that indicates where applicable certification skills are covered in this edition. This information is vital for students pursuing the Microsoft® Office Specialist Exam for PowerPoint® 2013.
Table of Contents
Student Success Guide.
Managing Your Files.
Presentation Concepts: Planning, Developing, and Giving a Presentation.
Tutorial 1: Creating a Presentation.
Tutorial 2: Adding Media and Special Effects.
Tutorial 3: Applying Advanced Formatting to Objects.
Tutorial 4: Advanced Animations and Distributing Presentations.
Tutorial 5: Integrating PowerPoint with Other Programs.
Tutorial 6: Customizing Presentations and the PowerPoint Environment.
Additional Cases.
Appendix A: SAM Projects.
Appendix B: Capstone Projects.
Appendix C: Microsoft Office Specialist Certification.
S. Scott Zimmerman Brigham Young University
Beverly B. Zimmerman Brigham Young University
Ann Shaffer
Katherine T. Pinard
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