Listening for Pleasure 1
- 滿20件,享8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9789869196697
- 作者:Benjamin Johnson
- 版次:1
- 年份:2017
- 出版商:New Moon Education
- 頁數/規格:104頁/平裝彩色
- 參考網頁:Listening for Pleasure 1 audio files
DescriptionListening for Pleasure provides a variety of topics and a wide range of useful listening skills to help learners improve their listening skills. Each book provides exciting updated videos, authentic stories, selected to ensure that learners can access and enjoy using the updated information. The texts reflect real English usage in hospitality and tourism. The book can be used to study in the classroom or alone. Key listening skills including listening for gist, listening for specific information and listening for details.
- Student Book
- Teacher’s Manual
- Test Bank
- Presentation Tool
- Audio Files
有關 Listening for Pleasure 1 audio files 檔案下載的帳號密碼,以及 EnglishCentral 相關資訊,請向當區業務索取或至 聯絡我們 洽詢,謝謝。