(eBook) Life-Span Development 19/e
- ◉ VitalSource◉ 閱讀期限:Lifetime
- 電子書
- ISBN:9781266321498
- 作者:John Santrock
- 版次:19
- 年份:2024
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill
- 頁數/規格:電子書
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As a master teacher, John Santrock connects current scholarship with real-world applications, helping students see how developmental psychology plays a role in their own lives and future careers. Students report that highlighting the connections among the different aspects of lifespan development helps them to better understand the concepts. The robust research foundation of this text is made accessible to students through an integrated learning goals system, resulting in a comprehensive and chronological approach to lifespan development that helps students gain the insight they need to study smarter, stay focused, and improve performance.