Widgets: A Task-Based Course in Practical English (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9789620189531
- 作者:Marcos Benevides, Chris Valvona
- 年份:2008
- 出版商:Pearson Education
- 參考網頁:www.widgets-inc.com
DescriptionWelcome to Widgets, a different kind of communication course!
Widgets creates a real-life English-speaking environment, where students imagine they are new employees at an exciting international company called Widgets Incorporated. Here they must work together in small groups to perform a series of practical, yet fun, tasks.
Great for mixed-ability classes within the Pre-intermediate to High Intermediate range.
- Ongoing storyline draws students into their roles at Widgets Incorporated and provides a cohesive set of task situations.
- DVD brings the story and characters to life; adding humor, presenting students with tasks and providing helpful language models.
- Realistic tasks add authenticity and interest for students, while creating opportunities for real-world language use.
- Task situations are highly motivating and provide great preparation for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests.
- Self-, peer- and teacher-assessment allow students to continually measure their progress towards task completion.
- Student Book with DYD
- OnlIne Teachers Resource Center
- Website www.widgets-inc.com