Top Phonics Readers (2) The Red Jet with Audio CD/1片 (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781946452740
- 作者:Anne Taylor, Liana Robinson
- 版次:1
- 年份:2017
- 出版商:Seed Learning
- 頁數/規格:38頁/平裝彩色
DescriptionTop Phonics Readers is a 5-book series developed for young learners who are already familiar with the English alphabet. Top Phonics Readers can be used as a stand-alone reading series, or as a supplement to Seed Learning’s Top Phonics textbook series. In these books, students practise and gain experience in recognizing and saying short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds, double-letter consonant sounds, and double-letter vowel sounds. The 20 leveled readers of the series provide invaluable phonics practice through fun and engaging stories designed especially for the emerging reader. The themes of the stories have been chosen to appeal to young learners.
- 4 stories per book – a total of 20 stories
- Contextual practice of words commonly studied in phonics series
- The ideal accompaniment to Top Phonics
- Strategic introduction of sight words to increase reading fluency
- Glossary of target words at the back of each book