Journal of English Education Vol.5 No.2 May. 2017 (實踐應外系期刊) 不可退(絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:2305341000010
- 作者:Departmeof Applied Foreign Languages Shih Chien University 實踐大學應用外語系
- 版次:1
- 年份:2017
- 出版商:東華書局
- 頁數/規格:110頁/平裝單色
DescriptionJournal of English Education(JEE)is a refereed, international journal covering every aspect of English education within and across all disciplines. JEE is published biannually, May and November. It covers a wide variety of topics in academic and professional English domains.
Table of Contents
Shih-Yin Stella HSU and Robert E. BEASLEY
Using an Intercultural CMC Project to Help Technological University Students in Taiwan Promote Five Language Skills
Yi-Hsuan Gloria LO and Minghuei LEE
An In-Depth Analysis of Reading Activities Design in Communicative ELT Materials
Blue in Process/Processing Blue(s): Derek Jarman and His Blueprints