Elementary Statistics 2/e (絕)

Elementary Statistics 2/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789814738576
  • 作者:William Navidi, Barry Monk
  • 版次:2
  • 年份:2016
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:790頁/平裝彩色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Navidi/Monk, Elementary Statistics was developed around three central themes – Clarity, Quality, and Accuracy. These central themes were born out of extensive market research and feedback from statistics instructors across the country. The authors paid close attention to how material is presented to students, ensuring that the content in the text is very clear, concise, and digestible. High quality exercises, examples and integration of technology are important aspects of an Introductory Statistics text. The authors have provided robust exercise sets that range in difficulty. They have also focused keen attention to ensure that examples provide clear instruction to students. Technology is integrated throughout the text, providing students examples of how to use the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculators, Microsoft Excel and Minitab. The accuracy of Elementary Statistics was a foundational principle always on the minds of the authors. While this certainly pertains to all aspects of the text, the authors also exhausted energy in ensuring the supplements have been developed to fit cohesively with the text.

New Features
  • Connect Statistics – Hosted by ALEKS Corp., McGraw-Hill’s online homework platform provides accurate content developed by subject matter experts, with the ALEKS Corporation providing their expertise in ensuring the content is accurate.
  • Check Your Understanding exercises are incorporated throughout each section and allow students to work through complex material one concept at time. They appear after a concept is presented and allow students to verify that they are grasping the material as they read through the section.
  • Each exercise set provides a variety of exercise types, ranging in difficulty from basic to more challenging exercises.
    • Understanding the Concepts tests students’ knowledge of definitions and concepts covered in the section.
    • Practicing the Skills exercises allow students to practice the basic concepts presented in the section.
    • Working with the Concepts includes relevant real world applications for students to work through and apply what they learned in that section.
    • Extending the Concepts follow a similar structure to Working with the Concept exercises but take the understanding of the concept on step further by asking students to draw conclusions from data in the exercise, demonstrating their understanding of the concept.
    • Exercises with self-contained data are included when possible, allowing students complete their computation without having to reference data found on a different page. Students are then asked to interpret the data to ensure that they have full understanding of the concept.
    • Using Technology boxes are provided in each section and give examples of how to utilize the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus graphing calculators, Microsoft Excel and Minitab to solve problems. Each technology example includes clearly defined steps that walk students through using the technology.
    • Technology-based Exercises are provided throughout the text and require students to view a technology display and interpret the result. This encourages conceptual understanding of the material being presented.
    • In every section, interesting and relevant examples that include clear instruction on how to work through the problem being presented are provided. When necessary, the solution to an example is broken down into easy to follow steps that allow students to digest the material.
    • The authors have developed a clear and concise writing style, focused on providing clear explanations of concepts and ideas in a conversational tone that students can understand.
    • Author-developed Supplements – Barry Monk helped to develop a multitude of supplements that will be available with Elementary Statistics. By creating supplements with author involvement, we ensure that a consistent and accurate voice is maintained from the textbook to each individual resource. These supplements include the Connect Statistics Hosted by ALEKS Corp.™, Graphing Calculator, Excel, and Minitab Manuals, Solution Manuals, Videos, and PowerPoint presentations.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Basic Ideas
Chapter 2: Graphical Summaries of Data
Chapter 3: Numerical Summaries of Data
Chapter 4: Summarizing Bivariate Data
Chapter 5: Probability
Chapter 6: Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter 7: The Normal Distribution
Chapter 8: Confidence Intervals
Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 10: Two-Sample Confidence Intervals
Chapter 11: Two-Sample Hypothesis Tests
Chapter 12: Tests with Qualitative Data
Chapter 13: Inference in Linear Models
Chapter 14: Analysis of Variance

Chapter 15: Nonparametric Statistics
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