Postcards 2/e (2) with Student CD-ROM/1片 (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9780138150457
- 作者:Brian Abbs, Chris Baker, Ingrid Freebairn, J.J. Wilson
- 版次:2
- 年份:2008
- 出版商:Pearson Education
- 頁數/規格:136頁/平裝彩色
DescriptionStudents love learning English wtih Postcards!
Welcome to the new edition of Postcards, the popular four-level American English program for teenage students. Postcards' attractive magazine-like pages, engaging storylines, and real-life teen characters motivate students and make learning fun.
Consistent scaffolding, extensive practice, and ongoing recycling help to ensure student success. Integrated components provide optimal teacher support.
New to Postcards, Second Edition
- Discovering Grammar encourages students to learn grammar inductively
- Practicing Grammar provides extensive practice in a variety of contexts
- Teen Talk facilitates unstructured, relaxed conversations on favorite topics
- Learn to Learn provides learning strategies students can immediately apply
- Fun with Songs gives students the chance to work cooperatively on favorite songs
- Test-taking Tips coach students on how to perform successfully on tests
Postcards creates successful classrooms through
- Dialogues and photostories that engage students' interest and imagination
- Grammar practice and communicative activities that enable students to use English with confidence
- Pair and group activities that encourage student interaction
- Projects that provide opportunities for in-depth self-expression
- Games and Fun with Grammar activities that bring pleasure to the classroom
- Focus on Culture and Wide Angle on the World sections that develop students' cross-cultural awareness
- Teacher's Edition that provides robust teacher support with focus on multiple intelligences, cross-curricular, and home/school connection activities
- Language Booster (Workbook plus Grammar Builder), DVD program, Test Generator, and Posters that create a complete package for successful teaching