Journal of English Education Vol.4 No.1 Nov. 2015 (實踐應外系期刊) 不可退(絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:2305341000007
- 作者:Departmeof Applied Foreign Languages Shih Chien University 實踐大學應用外語系
- 版次:1
- 年份:2015
- 出版商:東華書局
- 頁數/規格:134頁/平裝單色
- 參考網頁:Journal of English Education is available online now !
Journal of English Education(JEE)is a refereed, international journal covering every aspect of English education within and across all disciplines. JEE is published biannually, May and November. It covers a wide variety of topics in academic and professional English domains.
Table of contents
Duyen Thi Hong LE
Teachers’ Perceptions about Barriers and Challenges to ESP Teaching in Vietnam
Antonia Hsiu-Chen LIN and Chun-Ching HSIEH
EFL University Student Writers’ Perceptions of a Genre-Based Writing Textbook
Huei-Chun TENG
A Study of Willingness to Communicate: The Taiwanese EFL Context
Yu-han Carol LIAO and Chun-yin Doris CHEN
Reconsidering Pedagogical Sequencing: Empirical Evidence from the English It-cleft
Journal of English Education(JEE)is a refereed, international journal covering every aspect of English education within and across all disciplines. JEE is published biannually, May and November. It covers a wide variety of topics in academic and professional English domains.
Table of contents
Duyen Thi Hong LE
Teachers’ Perceptions about Barriers and Challenges to ESP Teaching in Vietnam
Antonia Hsiu-Chen LIN and Chun-Ching HSIEH
EFL University Student Writers’ Perceptions of a Genre-Based Writing Textbook
Huei-Chun TENG
A Study of Willingness to Communicate: The Taiwanese EFL Context
Yu-han Carol LIAO and Chun-yin Doris CHEN
Reconsidering Pedagogical Sequencing: Empirical Evidence from the English It-cleft
Duyen Thi Hong LE -Haiphong University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam
Antonia Hsiu-Chen LIN -Department of English Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Chun-Ching HSIEH -Center for English Language Teaching Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Huei-Chun TENG -National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Yu-han Carol LIAO -Sacred Heart High School for Girls
Chun-yin Doris CHEN -Department of English National Taiwan Normal University
Duyen Thi Hong LE -Haiphong University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam
Antonia Hsiu-Chen LIN -Department of English Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Chun-Ching HSIEH -Center for English Language Teaching Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Huei-Chun TENG -National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Yu-han Carol LIAO -Sacred Heart High School for Girls
Chun-yin Doris CHEN -Department of English National Taiwan Normal University