Economics for Today 8/e (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781133582045
- 作者:Irvin B. Tucker
- 版次:8
- 年份:2014
- 出版商:Cengage Learning
- 頁數/規格:912頁/平裝彩色
Help your students visualize economics in action with the most pedagogically-rich, complete text on the market: Irvin Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition. A quick look at this engaging, dynamic text will show you why this is the book that is famous for helping students at all levels of skill and preparation.
Written by an award-winning educator recognized for his work in relating basic economic principles to global issues, Irvin Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition continues its strong tradition of presentation using a unique textual and visual learning system. This edition concisely presents and reinforces core concepts, then immediately assesses student comprehension to ensure understanding. The latest information on federal deficits, the stimulus package, environmental issues, and other developments in economics today is presented in an engaging, easy-to-follow format that students can quickly grasp and apply to everyday life.
ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition provides a full complement of instructor resources, including a handy Instructor’s Resource CD, new PowerPoint® slides, optional CourseMate website and complete array of videos. Help your students learn and apply economics with the unmatched student-friendly approach in Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition.
Discover a rich array of online teaching and learning resources to support your course on the Text Companion Website for Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition. This dynamic website builds on this edition’s content with password-protected teaching resources available to download as you need them, including the Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, ExamView and PowerPoint® slides. Interactive tutorial tools, including quizzing, flashcards, Learning Objectives, Online Exercises, and MORE, help students master concepts from the text.
Help your students visualize economics in action with the most pedagogically-rich, complete text on the market: Irvin Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition. A quick look at this engaging, dynamic text will show you why this is the book that is famous for helping students at all levels of skill and preparation.
Written by an award-winning educator recognized for his work in relating basic economic principles to global issues, Irvin Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition continues its strong tradition of presentation using a unique textual and visual learning system. This edition concisely presents and reinforces core concepts, then immediately assesses student comprehension to ensure understanding. The latest information on federal deficits, the stimulus package, environmental issues, and other developments in economics today is presented in an engaging, easy-to-follow format that students can quickly grasp and apply to everyday life.
ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition provides a full complement of instructor resources, including a handy Instructor’s Resource CD, new PowerPoint® slides, optional CourseMate website and complete array of videos. Help your students learn and apply economics with the unmatched student-friendly approach in Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition.
Discover a rich array of online teaching and learning resources to support your course on the Text Companion Website for Tucker’s ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 8e, International Edition. This dynamic website builds on this edition’s content with password-protected teaching resources available to download as you need them, including the Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, ExamView and PowerPoint® slides. Interactive tutorial tools, including quizzing, flashcards, Learning Objectives, Online Exercises, and MORE, help students master concepts from the text.
Key Features
New To This Edition
- "Economics in Practice" emphasizes the relevance of concepts to everyday life: These intriguing boxed inserts introduce student to timely, real-world extensions of economic theory and provide the acid test of "relevance to everyday life." Students explore memorable examples, such as Fred Smith’s economics term paper that led to the creation of FedEx. To ensure students clearly understand the economic theories in practice, all applicable concepts are listed. Engaging quotes from newspaper articles over the years demonstrate how economics concepts remain relevant over time.
- "International Economics" highlights the global reach of today’s economics: This edition carefully integrates international topics throughout the text using a highly readable, accessible approach specifically designed for students with no previous exposure to international economics. A special global icon in the margin clearly identifies sections that present international economics. Intriguing "International Economics" boxes and the final three chapters of this edition focus entirely to the challenges of international economics.
- "Analyze the Issue" requires students to test their understanding of principles: These challenging features follow each "Economics in Practice" or "International Economics" insert and test the students' understanding of how content specifically relates to practical economic concepts. Specific, thought-provoking questions can prompt meaningful classroom discussions or be assigned for homework. You will find answers in your Instructor's Manual.
- Unique, fun "Checkpoints" generate student interest and prompt critical thinking: Who says learning economics cannot be fun? The unique, engaging "Checkpoints" throughout this edition spark students' interest while checking their progress using challenging economics puzzles in a game-like style. Your students will enjoy analyzing and answering the intriguing questions, and checking answers at the end of the chapter. Students gain personal satisfaction as they realize they have truly mastered a concept.
- Point-by-point visual summaries highlight key concepts: Each chapter ends with a brief point-by-point summary of key concepts, including miniaturized versions of important graphs and causation chains that illustrate concepts.
- These useful, quick-reference visual reminders summarize concepts as students finish chapters and offer ideal tools for efficient review and study for quizzes and exams.
- Variety of study questions and problems offer range of difficulty for practice and review: Proven end-of-chapter questions and problems range from straightforward recall of concepts to deeper, thought-provoking applications. Answers to odd-numbered questions and problems appear in the back of the text to give students immediate feedback.
- Practice quizzes and website provide opportunities for student review: Your students can easily prepare for success on quizzes and tests with multiple-choice sections at the end of each chapter that offer questions similar to those in the Test Bank. Students can check answers at the back of the text. The text's Companion Website also provides student tutorials with visual explanations of each correct answer and corresponding page reference from the text. Students even see graphs shift as arrows point to key changes in prices, output and other variables.
- Chapter Previews pique student interest in specific chapter topics: Each chapter begins with an intriguing Preview that reinforces how the chapter topics work within the overall presentation of the book. Students become economics detectives as they work to solve several engaging economic puzzles within each Preview that require them to actively learn and practice concepts from the chapter.
- Margin definitions provide quick reference to key concepts: To ensure students have an immediate understanding of the most important economic concepts, key topics are highlighted with bold type, defined in the text, and defined again in the margins for easy review and reference.
- Conclusion Statements relate key concepts to other economic concepts: To ensure students truly understand and can apply the main concepts within each chapter, highlighted Conclusion Statements at the end of each chapter section place the material just learned into a larger context and relate it to other chapter concepts. A summary of these Conclusion Statements at the end of each chapter provides an ideal tool for quick review.
New To This Edition
- NEWLY UPDATED Chapter 9 focuses on power of monopolies: Concepts of monopoly become clear as this edition’s Chapter 9 illustrates the concepts of network good, linking economies of scale and monopoly power to student-relevant examples: Facebook and
- NEW "Global Economics" feature explores environmental challenges: Your students examine the challenges of resolving green issues as a new "Global Economics" feature in Ch. 14, "Why is the Climate Change Problem So Hard to Solve?" delves into this topic of growing, critical importance.
- NEWLY UPDATED Appendix fully explains opposing self-correction model: You have the flexibility of exploring certain concepts in more depth. The new Chapter 20 Appendix fully develops and explains the opposing self-correction model based on downward flexibility of prices and wages and a downward-shifting short-run aggregate supply curve.
- NEW clear explanation of stimulus package and spending multiplier process: New content on Fiscal Policy (Ch. 21) uses real-world numbers to clarify and fully explain the stimulus package and spending multiplier process.
- The latest information on federal debt ensures students understand recent, contemporary developments: Up-to-the-minute, updated data and exhibits throughout this edition’s chapter titled Federal Deficits, Surpluses, and the National Debt (Ch. 23) gives students a better understanding of these critical issues and their impact in economics today.
- NEWLY UPDATED PowerPoint® slides engage students and bring concepts to life: New author-developed, classroom-tested PowerPoint® lecture slides capture students' attention while providing further clarification of the key economic concepts throughout this edition.
Table of Contents
1. Introducing the Economic Way of Thinking.
2. Production Possibilities, Opportunity Cost, and Economic Growth.
3. Market Demand and Supply.
4. Markets in Action.
5. Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply.
6. Consumer Choice Theory.
Appendix: Indifference Curve Analysis.
7. Production Costs.
8. Perfect Competition.
9. Monopoly.
10. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.
11. Labor Markets.
12. Income Distribution, Poverty, and Discrimination.
13. Antitrust and Regulation.
14. Environmental Economics.
15. Gross Domestic Product.
16. Business Cycles and Unemployment.
17. Inflation.
18. The Keynesian Model.
19. The Keynesian Model in Action.
20. Aggregate Demand and Supply.
21. Fiscal Policy.
22. The Public Sector.
23. Federal Deficits, Surpluses, and the National Debt.
24. Money and the Federal Reserve System.
25. Money Creation.
26. Monetary Policy.
27. The Phillips Curve and Expectations Theory.
28. International Trade and Finance.
29. Economies in Transition.
30. Growth and the Less-Developed Countries.
Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Study Questions and Problems.
Appendix B Answers to Practice Quizzes.
Appendix C Answers to Road Map Questions. - See more at:
1. Introducing the Economic Way of Thinking.
2. Production Possibilities, Opportunity Cost, and Economic Growth.
3. Market Demand and Supply.
4. Markets in Action.
5. Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply.
6. Consumer Choice Theory.
Appendix: Indifference Curve Analysis.
7. Production Costs.
8. Perfect Competition.
9. Monopoly.
10. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.
11. Labor Markets.
12. Income Distribution, Poverty, and Discrimination.
13. Antitrust and Regulation.
14. Environmental Economics.
15. Gross Domestic Product.
16. Business Cycles and Unemployment.
17. Inflation.
18. The Keynesian Model.
19. The Keynesian Model in Action.
20. Aggregate Demand and Supply.
21. Fiscal Policy.
22. The Public Sector.
23. Federal Deficits, Surpluses, and the National Debt.
24. Money and the Federal Reserve System.
25. Money Creation.
26. Monetary Policy.
27. The Phillips Curve and Expectations Theory.
28. International Trade and Finance.
29. Economies in Transition.
30. Growth and the Less-Developed Countries.
Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Study Questions and Problems.
Appendix B Answers to Practice Quizzes.
Appendix C Answers to Road Map Questions. - See more at:
Dr. Irvin B. Tucker has more than 30 years of experience teaching introductory economics at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. He earned his BS in economics at North Carolina State University and his MA and PhD in economics from the University of South Carolina. He is a long-time member of the National Council on Economic Education. Dr. Tucker has served as executive director of the S.C. Council of Education and director of the Center for Economic Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is recognized for his ability to relate basic principles to economic issues and public policy. His work has received national recognition with awards from the Meritorious Levy Award for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education, the Federation of Independent Business Award for Postsecondary Educator of the Year in Entrepreneurship and Economic Education, and the Freedom Foundation’s George Washington Medal for Excellence in Economic Education. In addition, Dr. Tucker’s research has been published in numerous professional journal articles on a wide range of topics, including industrial organization, entrepreneurship, and economics of education. Dr. Tucker is also the author of the highly successful SURVEY OF ECONOMICS, 9E and ECONOMICS AND FINANCE.