Exploring Social Psychology 7/e (絕)

Exploring Social Psychology 7/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9781259251580
  • 作者:David Myers
  • 版次:7
  • 年份:2015
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:542頁/平裝彩色
  • 參考網頁:Exploring Social Psychology 7/e
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Exploring Social Psychology succinctly explores social psychological science and applies it to contemporary issues and everyday life. Based on the bestselling text,Social Psychology by David Myers, the book presents 31 short modules - each readable in a single sitting - that introduce students to such scientific explorations as love and hate, conformity and independence, prejudice and helping, and persuasion and self - determination.

New Features
  • New coverage of growing individualism within cultures explains how cultures can change over time, with some becoming more individualistic.
  • New and updated discussions on aggression and two key factors connected to aggression shows how such factors as watching video games and having a poor diet can affect aggression.
  • Expanded coverage of psychology and climate change explains the psychological effects of and public opinion about climate change.

Key Features
  • Concise yet comprehensive coverage of social psychology presents key social psychological concepts in short, digestible modules.
  • Introduces social psychology in a conversational, essay format draws readers into the material with a voice and tone that is solidly scientific while also being thoughtful and provocative.
  • Explores such thought provoking topics as love and hate, conformity and independence, prejudice and helping, and persuasion and self-determination so that whether students are interested in pursuing a career in psychology or another field, they will find topics of interest to them and that apply to their everyday lives.
  • Offers technology components such as videos and interactive exercises that are designed to assist students in their comprehension of material presented in the book.
Table of Contents
PART ONE Introducing Social Psychology

MODULE 1 Doing Social Psychology
MODULE 2 Did You Know It All Along?

PART TWO Social Thinking
MODULE 3 Self-Concept: Who Am I?
MODULE 4 Self-Serving Bias
MODULE 5 The Power of Positive Thinking
MODULE 6 The Fundamental Attribution Error
MODULE 7 The Powers and Perils of Intuition
MODULE 8 Reasons for Unreason
MODULE 9 Behavior and Belief
MODULE 10 Clinical Intuition
MODULE 11 Clinical Therapy: The Powers of Social Cognition

PART THREE Social Influence
MODULE 12 Human Nature and Cultural Diversity
MODULE 13 Gender, Genes, and Culture
MODULE 14 How Nice People Get Corrupted
MODULE 15 Two Routes to Persuasion
MODULE 16 Indoctrination and Inoculation
MODULE 17 The Mere Presence of Others
MODULE 18 Many Hands Make Diminished Responsibility
MODULE 19 Doing Together What We Would Not Do Alone
MODULE 20 How Do Groups Intensify Decisions?
MODULE 21 Power to the Person

PART FOUR Social Relations
MODULE 22 The Reach of Prejudice
MODULE 23 The Roots of Prejudice
MODULE 24 The Nature and Nurture of Aggression
MODULE 25 Does the Media Influence Social Behavior?
MODULE 26 Who Likes Whom?
MODULE 27 The Ups and Downs of Love
MODULE 28 Causes of Conflict
MODULE 29 Blessed Are the Peacemakers
MODULE 30 When Do People Help?
MODULE 31 Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future
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