English Land (2) Phonics Cards (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9789620057755
- 作者:John Potter, M.H.Newton
- 版次:1
- 年份:2006
- 出版商:Pearson Education
- 頁數/規格:48組
- 參考網頁:English Land
English Land is a six-level course for children learning English in primary school. It uses a range of classroom strategies and materials proven to be effective with young language learners. The program aims to motivate children through the entertaining characters from the much-loved animated films of Disney. Children will listen to stories, play classroom games, sing songs, discover links with their studies and world around them, and learn social values while communicating in English.
- English Land 為一套專為亞洲兒童設計的英語教材,藉由深受大家喜愛的迪士尼卡通人物引領新語言的學習,並輔以大量生動活潑的活動如:遊戲及歌曲,以啟發學生的學習動機。
- English Land 全套共分六冊,針對不同年齡層孩子的學習特性,謹慎規劃 各冊的內容及程度。
- 在低冊次的內容中,大量運用迪士尼故事來鼓勵此階段的學生主動學習,在較高冊次中則著重真實生活的呈現讓學習更貼近生活。
- 首創兒童英語教材 “Grammar in Context”,“文法口語化” 的教法。讓學生自然而然地吸收學習文法觀念,並運用所學的句型於口語中。
Phonics Picture and Word Cards
English Land Phonics Cards are effective tools for presenting and practicing phonics in the classroom. There are Picture Cards and corresponding Word Cards for a variety of fun and motivating activities.
*Phonics cards are supplied for Level 1-4 only.
*Phonics cards are supplied for Level 1-4 only.