Backpack (Starter~2) Picture Cards with Teacher\'s Activity Guide(絕)

Backpack (Starter~2) Picture Cards with Teacher's Activity Guide(絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780131895867
  • 作者:Mario Herrera, Diane Pinkley
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2005
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
  • 頁數/規格:彩色50張100頁
書籍介紹 作者介紹
The Backpack Picture Cards consist of 50 cards providing 100 full-color pictures, which can be used for language development activities. The cards illustrate several concepts and themes (such as occupations, inventions, action verbs, and everyday events).
The cards are appropriate for learners of all age levels. They are ideal for introducing and reviewing vocabulary. They can also be used for the introduction and practice of key grammatical structures and concepts. In addition, they serve as a stimulus for descriptions and storytelling.

The cards lend themselves to practice in all of the skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The activities may be as simple as a student pointing to a picture and identifying an object or animal, or the activity may be more challenging, such as a strudent writing a story in which pictures from several cards need to be linked together to form the basis of the story.

About This Teacher's Guide
This Teacher's Activity Guide contains two main sections: (1) lists of the words and concepts pictured on the cards, presented firtst alphabetically and then by categories, and (2) suggestd activities for using the cards. The lists of words will be helpful to you as you plan lessons. The category listing also helps you choose cards for the many kinds of classification activities to which the cards lend themselves.

The suggested activities for using the cards in the classroom, include whole classes, small groups, cooperative groups, and individuals. These activities give the students many opportunities to speak and to solidify their knowledge of vocabulary. 
Mario Herrera 著有許多知名的英語教學叢書,其中包括最受歡迎的兒童英語教科書"Balloons"及"New Parade",而他的最新作品"Teen Zone"及"Cool Chat",是專為青少年階段特別設計的英語教科書。Mario Herrera亦多次獲得培生教育所頒發之年度最佳作者獎。
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