Modern Industrial Electronics 5/e (絕)

Modern Industrial Electronics 5/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789861547602
  • 作者:Timothy J. Maloney
  • 版次:5
  • 年份:2004
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
  • 頁數/規格:972頁/平裝單色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
This book provides an explanation of whole-system structures and relationships rather than isolated circuits or devices. It is committed to showing how the devices of modern electronics are applied in realistic industrial applications. It thoroughly examines a wide variety of systems-from PLCs to industrial robots-and includes a wealth of background information regarding the economic importance and/or environmental impact of the production process involved in the system.

  • Expanded coverage of PLCs now includes material on program branching and the introduction of subroutines that accept and return parameters. 
    * Provides the most current information on these important topics.
  • Real systems in their entirety-When possible, systems are expanded upon and improved as new topic coverage allows. 
    * Illustrates the evolutionary nature of complex control systems.
  • Troubleshooting on the Job exercises at the end of each chapter-Present a typical technical problem encountered by technicians or engineers. 
    * Requires students to apply the knowledge gained in the chapter to solve a problem.
  • Learning Objectives are explicitly stated in the beginning of each chapter. 
    * These encourage students to monitor their learning as they traverse the chapter material.
  • Chapter-Opening Photographs-Each chapter begins with a photograph and explanatory caption that depicts some modern industrial practice. 
    * Gives students a feel for some of the interesting opportunities and work responsibilities in the field of industrial electronics.
  • Glossary-Includes general electronics terms encountered in other courses. 
    * Supplies students with an easy-access reference to help with current studies and as a refresher for other courses. 
Table of Contents
1. The Transistor Switch as a Decision-Maker. 
2. Transistor Switches in Memory and Counting Applications. 
3. Programmable Logic Controllers. 
4. SCRs. 
5. UJTs. 
6. Triacs and Other Thyristors. 
7. An Industrial Automatic Welding System with Digital Control. 
8. Op Amps. 
9. Feedback Systems and Servomechanisms. 
10. Input Transducers-Measuring Devices. 
11. Final Correcting Devices and Amplifiers. 
12. Wound-Rotor Dc Motors. 
13. Nontraditional Dc Motors. 
14. Ac Motors. 
15. Nine Examples of Closed-Loop Industrial Systems. 
16. Motor Speed-Control Systems. 
17. Telemetry. 
18. Closed-Loop Control with a Real-Time Microcomputer. 
19. Industrial Robots. 
20. Safety.
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