Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW™ for Scientists and Engineers 2/e (絕)

Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW™ for Scientists and Engineers 2/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780199925155
  • 作者:John Essick
  • 版次:2
  • 年份:2013
  • 出版商:Oxford University
  • 頁數/規格:601頁/平裝單色
書籍介紹 目錄 作者介紹
  • Activity-based Approach
  • Do-It-Yourself projects at the end of every chapter to allow a reader to gauge his or her understanding of the presented material
  • A selection of homework-style problems is included at the end of each chapter so that interested readers can further develop their LabVIEW-based skills.
Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW™ for Scientists and Engineers takes a "learn-by-doing" approach to acquiring the computer-based skills used in daily experimental work. Ideal as either a course textbook or a self-study supplement, the book explores practical programming solutions for carrying out interesting and relevant projects. Readers—who are assumed to have no prior computer programming or LabVIEW background—will begin writing meaningful programs in the first few pages. Instructors using the text can easily choose the desired depth of coverage for their courses.

New to the Second Edition

  • All chapters fully updated to latest version of LabVIEW™ and commonly used low-cost data acquisition devices
  • Full-Color reference card of LabVIEW™ programming icons
  • "Quick Example" sections at the chapter beginnings give concise introductions to the MathScript Node, Shift Register, and Case Structure
  • Coverage of USB control of stand-alone instrumentation
  • Solutions to even-numbered back-of-the-chapter problems available on the companion website
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The While Loop and Waveform Chart
Chapter 2. The For Loop and Waveform Graph 
Chapter 3. The Mathscript Node and XY Graph 
Chapter 4. Data Acquisition using DAQ Assistant 
Chapter 5. Data Files and Character Strings 
Chapter 6. Shift Registers 
Chapter 7. The Case Structure 
Chapter 8. The Sequence Structure 
Chapter 9. Built-In Analysis VIs-Curve Fitting 
Chapter 10. Analysis VIs-Fast Fourier Transform 
Chapter 11. Data Acquisition and Generation using DAQmx VIs 
Chapter 13. Control of Stand-Alone Instruments
John Essick is the David W. Brauer Professor of Physics at Reed College. Since 1993, he has taught computer-based experimentation using LabVIEW™ as part of Reed's Advanced Laboratory course.
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