Digital Electronic with VHDL (絕)

Digital Electronic with VHDL (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780131100800
  • 作者:William Kleitz
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2004
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
  • 頁數/規格:934頁
  • 參考網頁:Digital Electronic with VHDL
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹
Digital Electronics with VHDL provides the fundamentals of digital circuitry, which are introduced using the fixed-function ICs and evolve into CPLDs (Complex Programming Logic Devices) programmed with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language). Basic logic gates are used to perform arithmetic operations; then the text proceeds through sequential logic and memory circuits to interface to modern PCs. This new textbook is designed to present practical examples; be easy to read, and to provide all of the information necessary for the motivated student to learn this new subject matter.

  • Over 1,000 four-color illustrations—Contain annotations describing the inputs and outputs; many have circuit operational notes. VHDL program listings are enriched with many annotations.
     Exemplifies for students the operation of complex circuit operations; also allows for self-teaching the intricacies of the language.
  • Specific sequence of steps for each topic—Makes the transition from problem definition to practical example, to VDHL definitions for CPLD implementation. Once the fixed-function IC logic is thoroughly explained, the text defines the design as a graphic design file using CPLD software and implements it using the hardware descriptive language, VHDL. Examples are used to bolster understanding.
     Enables students to be able to read and modify VHDL programs as well as to write original programs to implement intermediate-level digital circuits.
  • Altera MAX+PLUS II Software—Included on the accompanying textbook CD-ROM.
     Allows students to either graphically design their circuit by drawing the logic or use VHDL to define their logic.
  • Margin Annotations Icons—Given in the page margins throughout the text; four different icons are used to distinguish between the annotations.
     Highlights for students particular points made on the page, developing a rapport between instructor and student, and initiates class discussion.
  • Two CD-ROMs—Included with the text; these contain Electronics Workbench MultiSIM software with circuit data files for each chapter; Altera MAX+PLUS II graphic and VHDL design software; solutions to in-text Altera CPLD examples; and Texas Instruments' fixed-function data sheets.
     Provides students with technological tools that enhance understanding and learning.
  • Over 100 MultiSIM exercises. 
     Enhances students' understanding of fundamental concepts, troubleshooting strategies, and circuit design procedures.
  • More than 1,000 problems—Provides a complete range of problems, from straightforward to very challenging.
     Gives students the problem-solving skills they require.
  • Troubleshooting applications and problems—Included throughout the text.
     Teaches students testing and debugging procedures.
  • References to manufacturers' data sheets—Provided throughout the book.
     Gives students valuable experience with real-world problem-solving.
  • Timing waveforms—Used throughout the text to illustrate the timing analysis technique used in industry.
     Gives students a graphical picture of the sequential operations of digitals ICs and CPLDs.
  • Microprocessor fundamentals—Describes the “brains” behind most high-level digital systems.
    Enables students to understand microprocessor software and hardware, imperative to troubleshooting and designing digital systems.
  • ICs Tables—Includes those used commercially.
     Provides students with a source for state-of-the-art circuit design.
  • Performance-based objectives—Open each chapter.
     Outlines for students the goals that need to be achieved.
  • Review questions—Summarize each section and are answered.
     Enables students to achieve each learning objective.
  • End-of-chapter summaries. 
     Provides students with a review of the topics covered.
  • End-of-chapter glossaries. 
    Gives students a summary of the terminology just presented, providing easy access for review and study.
  • Over 200 examples—Worked out step-by-step.
     Clarifies for students problems that are normally stumbling blocks.
  • Comprehensive appendices. 
     Gives students a text that can be used as a valuable future reference tool.
  • Student projects and team discussions—Builds knowledge of fundamental building block circuits; the text includes Team Discussion margin annotations, cooperative learning exercises.
     Gives students a sense of team cooperation.
  • Extensive Supplements Package—Includes an Instructor's Resource Manual, PowerPoint Transparencies, lecture notes, and two laboratory manuals.
     Aids instructors with the teaching and learning process.
Table of Contents
1. Number Systems and Codes
2. Digital Electronic Signals and Switches
3. Basic Logic Gates
4. Programmable Logic Devices: CPLDs and FPGAs with VHDL Design
5. Boolean Algebra and Reduction Techniques
6. Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates
7. Arithmetic Operations and Circuits
8. Code Converters, Multiplexers, and Demultiplexers
9. Logic Families and Their Characteristics
10. Flip-Flops and Registers
11. Practical Considerations for Digital Designs
12. Counter Circuits and VHDL State Machines
13. Shift Registers
14. Multivibrators and the 555 Timer
15. Interfacing to the Analog World
16. Semiconductor, Magnetic, and Optical Memory
17. Microprocessor Fundamentals
18. The 8051 Microcontroller
William Kleitz, State University of New York, Tompkins Cortland
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